The Digital Marketing (5N1364) QQI Level 5 minor award aims to support learners to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and competencies needed to operate, manage and execute digital marketing strategies including a digital marketing campaign effectively in a personal, social or business capacity within a range of digital marketing contexts using a variety of etools.
- Individuals who have an interest in customer relationship management, marketing and sales with a particular emphasis on digital marketing and sales.
- Those wishing to pursue a career in marketing and where customer connection is paramount e.g. Retail, Call Centre Operatives, Hospitality, Administration and Reception.
- Persons who have personal and professional communications responsibilities in organisations, with a particular focus on marketing, digital marketing, sales and organisational success.
Some of the topics in this course include:
- Marketing for Different Purposes
- Traditional Versus Digital marketing skills
- Digital Marketing Research Strategies
- Digital Marketing e- Tools
- Web marketing and other forms of marketing
- Digital Marketing Plan and Campaign
QQI Level 5 – Digital Marketing 5N1364
- Portfolio/Collection of work 50%
- Project 50%
- Three options – Classroom, Blended and In-house.
- Delivered over 120 hours (including independent study and assessment).
- Delivered over 5 days/8 mornings
€395 per course. There are reductions for doing 2 or more courses to reach the full major award or integration of modules
Upon successful completion of this programme, the learner will possess the relevant knowledge and skills of digital marketing strategies and etools. Mapped onto the NQF at level 5, you may use this module as a minor award towards gaining a full major award in many different Level 5 programmes. MIDAS Learning use this module as one of the optional modules for the Major Award in Business Administration (5M2468). This Certificate will enable you to progress to other programmes at level 6 or higher including colleges and higher education providers. Contact our coaching department for help with an individual progression plan.