One of our most sought after courses

The overall aim of this QQI minor award Professional Coaching Practice and Ethics 6N2925 is to enable the learner to acquire the knowledge, skills and competence necessary to work independently and professionally as a coach in a number of different settings and to ensure understanding of the importance of following guidelines and best practice in the running and management of the coaching practice.
- Individuals who have an interest in Coaching and may wish to pursue it as a career
- Persons who have coaching responsibilities in organisations.
- Individuals and teams involved in the design and delivery of Coaching strategies
- People who wish to gain a formal qualification in Coaching
- Managers and team leaders who wish to gain an insight into Coaching

- Exploring the Legislative, Regulatory and Ethical Guidelines in the coaching field.
- Understanding the processes involved in managing a coaching programme and in designing a coaching agreement that meets current best practice.
- Exploring the importance of the coaching relationship between the coach and the client.
- Constructing and managing a coaching session
- Exploring the importance of CPD in the coaching process
- Developing the academic and vocational language, literacy and numeracy skills related to Professional Coaching Practice and Ethics.
- Exercising substantial personal autonomy and responsibility while facilitating the learner to reflect on their personal effectiveness.
Level 6 QQI Professional Coaching Practice and Ethics 6N2925
- Assignment (x2) 40%
- Learner Record 60%
- Three options – Classroom, Blended and In-house.
- Delivered over 120 hours (including independent study and assessment).
- Delivered over 5 days/8 mornings.
€495, with a reduction if you are doing three modules – Certificate in Life and Workplace Coaching Special Purpose 6S3153. Further reduction in doing the full major award (Certificate in Advanced Business Management (6M4985) or integration of modules. Grants are also available.

Upon completion of this course (Professional Coaching Practice and Ethics 6N2925), successful candidates can then apply to study for Developing Emotional Intelligence 6N2926 and Coaching Models of Practice 6N3087, these 3 minor awards, makes up the QQI Level 6 Special Purpose Certificate in Life and Workplace Coaching (6S3153), the Level 6 QQI Special Purpose Award.
This qualification is used in the private and public sector and enables learners to develop essential competencies and skills to become a qualified coach as a specialist in their area of expertise. The Module is aimed specifically at best practices in understanding people and using different styles and methods of coaching to support themselves and others to success in different areas of their lives, both personally and professionally.