The QQI Level 6 Business Management 6M4985 programme is an all-round qualification
for those who are new to management or want a recognised qualification regarding prior experience. It will also help those who aspire to work in a management role and understand the function of management within the business environment/ organisation.
The course covers many different business environments and links into different organisational theory and strategies as well as a range of subjects that focuses on individual goals. The major award gives the learner the opportunity to choose from a range of modules that suits their aspirations and personal and profession development plans.
There are 16 modules available with this programme under MIDAS Learning. For a full major award, which consists of 120 credits, the learner must choose 8 minor awards.

Learners are required to undertake a range of mandatory and elective modules, as indicated in the QQI Certificate Specification for the award 6M4985. Should the learner wish to go for another award or gain qualifications / skills in a particular area for their business/ organisation, they can undertake minor awards linking into specific skills outcomes.
MIDAS Learning believes in supporting the learner to choose relevant modules for their own progression and future plan. A learner can undertake a number of combinations of programme modules available, allowing for a degree of flexibility when achieving certification in the major award. Also, we offer a lot of programmes in a 2 in 1 (i.e. delivering 2 modules in 1 course) format, where there is cross-over / integration options.
Please contact the office for different combinations of the programme around individual career and progression plans. This service is free for potential learners, whether you take the training with us or choose another vender.

- Individuals who have an interest in a management position, are self motivated and may wish to pursue it as a career
- Persons who have management responsibilities in organisations and may be/ wish to be involved in the design and delivery of business strategies
- People who wish to gain a formal qualification in business management with an option to progress to third level
- Managers and team leaders who wish to gain an insight into organisational theory and strategy and look to make positive changes within their workplace

- To assist the learner to attain the necessary skills and knowledge to work in a business context on a management capacity or to progress to further and or higher education and training.
- To facilitate the learner in developing an understanding of principles and key theoretical concepts underpinning business and management techniques in a range of contexts.
- To explore along with the learner a range of theoretical models of best practice in Management and Business with the objective of re-skilling / up-skilling the learner to understand what their needs are in relation to growing within a Business / Management structure in their vocational area
- To delve into the principles, concepts and models of Business and Management in order to support the learner in future progression, employment or advanced education / training programmes leading to awards at level 7 or above.
- To ensure that the learner is able to draw from the theory and business models to develop and apply their knowledge and learning into a range of management practices that helps them understand how to assess and evaluate their performance with regard to management
- To work with the learner to explore a range of management skills need to run a successful and sustainable business within a range of sectors /industries.
- To be able to relate management concepts to practical and technical skills, including creative thinking and innovation, team working, leadership and management and other relevant skills as appropriate to a range of contexts that will develop a greater understanding of the business.
- To provide a programme of learning that is vocationally specific in nature, and flexible in structure so that the learner has the maximum opportunity to improve his/her specialised academic and vocational literacy, numerical, ICT and planning skills while participating in the programme.
- To build the learner’s confidence in his/her ability, though the forum of facilitatory learning and self-assessment and reflective practice, evaluated against best practice in terms of getting the learner to always consider continuous improvement measures, both personally and professionally.
QQI Level 6 – Advanced Certificate in Business 6M4985
- Depending on the 8 Modules chosen in completing a full major award, the assessment process will be taken from each of the minor awards.
- Three options – Classroom, Blended and In-house.
- Delivered over 120 hours per module (including independent study and assessment).
- Delivered over 10 days/ or 12 evenings
Cost €2,575 for all modules if booked together – schedule will be collated then based on Learners needs. Grants are also available.

MIDAS Learning provide individual learner progression plans with the majority of their programmes and will advise learners of all their options. As we normally deliver one module at a time, we encourage progression to a full major award. Upon successful completion of this programme, the learner will have many transfer and progression options available to him/her. The learner may transfer to a programme leading to certification in one of the other levels 6 QQI Major or special purpose awards with a QQI registered provider.
The learner may also progress to other appropriate programmes leading to awards at the next level of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) with QQI registered provider. Alternatively, the learner may be eligible to apply to progress to the next or higher levels of the NFQ with a higher education provider.
Individual Career Progression and Organisational Planning is the USP that MIDAS has developed their name from and, as such, time is spent with the Management team / Individual Learner to support their progression and/or the progression of the organisation. Therefore. the one-to-one elements incorporated into the majority of the courses are crucial. Similarly, should MIDAS be working with a Business/ Organisation, much of the time spent prior to the delivery of the course with management on making the course specific to the industry/ sector to ensure the outcomes They want their employees to not only engage with the programme that helps the business, but also build up the confidence of their employees, and as such have often supported further learning / transfer into programmes at the same level.
So depending on the individual / company, it may be better to advise on undertaking a full module or progressing onto the next level.
Please contact the office for different combinations of the programme around individual career and progression Plans. This service is free for potential learners/ organisations, whether you take the training with us or choose another vender.