Personalised Certificate of Completion
No matter who you are or what you do, being able to run an effective, efficient meeting is compulsory. This is true whether it’s for work, or within a community or voluntary role. There is nothing more frustrating than attending a meeting that is unproductive and disorganised. Meetings can be costly, whether this is time or money.
This CPD course will cover the steps and strategies so that meetings can be effective and relevant, with a smooth process and delivery as well as managing expectations and conflict should they arise. It will also cover how to take minutes of a meeting, so they are accurate and pertinent to what has occurred at a meeting.
To ensure meetings are productive and worth the time and expense involved, 3 ingredients are necessary:
- Clear objectives and agenda so there is an assurance of closure, and outcomes
- A strong chair or leader, and
- Accurate minutes
After this course, you will clearly understand the role as a facilitator/ lead, the role as an effective participant and the role of the minute taker, which includes the best techniques/ skills for each role.
- Groups that wish to gain knowledge of how to accurately run an effective meeting, communicate roles and expectations for all participants and understand the skills needed for lead/facilitator and minute taker
- Individuals who are responsible for taking accurate and relevant minutes of a meeting
- Individuals that oversee the running of the meeting and may need to deal with conflict, endless discussion, and ineffective meetings. They may need to understand how to build consensus and understand a range of facilitation techniques
- Individuals working as administrators, secretaries of community or voluntary sector groups and anyone who needs to be clear about how to run meeting and take excellent minutes
- Understanding the role of meeting facilitators and the skills to run effective meetings, crating relevant objectives and agendas and how to schedule the meeting so that everything in covered
- Group Facilitation Techniques, building consensus, Conflict management and resolution
- Clarity around the role and expectations of group members/participants
- Recognising the importance of minute-taking and the role of the Minute-Taker including meeting agreements, knowing what to record and techniques for preparing minutes
- Develop key minute-taking skills, including listening skills, critical thinking, planning and organisation skills.
- Choosing a relevant style of minutes – Be able to write minutes that are suitable for formal meetings, semi-formal meetings, and action minutes efficiently and to be able to prepare and maintain a minute-book.
- Online assessment
- Online and Customised for Organisations
€95.00 Contact the office for integration into accreditation
This course has been designed to improve participants minute taking skills to allow participants to improve their professional administration skills. It focuses on personal and professional development and refines the skills needed for development, effectiveness, and efficiency in the workplace.
Participants have gone on to complete many of the administration and management accredited courses at QQI Level 5 including Business Administration, Front-line office skills and Reception Skills and leadership and facilitation courses at QQI Level 6 including Team Leadership and Group work and Facilitation Skills.
Contact our coaching department for help with an individual progression plan.