MIDAS Learning is committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance and the management of quality systems.  It is committed to the active development of an ethos which recognises the importance of quality assurance, ensuring the improvement, enhancement, and the maintenance of the integrity of the service being provided.

The Board of Management and the Academic Committee are responsible for the implementation and maintenance of Governance and Quality Assurance standards throughout the organisation.

The Board of Management has the primary responsibility for corporate governance within MIDAS Learning and the Management Operational Team is responsible for the overall delivery of quality to all stakeholders.

MIDAS Learning has an open community that values critical reflection and fosters personal and professional development for both learners and staff. Staff are appropriately qualified and experienced. There are processes in place to ensure that the content of programmes reflects advances in the relevant disciplines and that the pedagogic style incorporates national and international effective practice.

MIDAS Learning is committed to the active development of a culture which recognises the importance of quality, quality assurance, quality improvement and enhancement.






MIDAS Learning will utilise a suite of quality assurance tools including course monitoring audit forms, stakeholder feedback surveys, LMS, Internal Verifiers and External Authenticator audit. Qualitative and quantitative data from the above will be analysed and acted upon as appropriate and actions resulting from same will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders.

MIDAS Learning’s Manager will, in conjunction with the Management Board and the Quality Assurance Committee, conduct an annual review of the quality assurance and improvement policy.

Quantitative data will be collected from staff and learners through questionnaires and evaluation forms which will be accessed in a number of ways, including directly from the learner, client as well as on the LMS on the company website.

Policies show full understanding of the legislative obligations of the provider.  The policies will inform management and staff as to the general approaches to follow in their work. It will also inform learners and other stakeholders as to what they can expect of MIDAS Learning as a provider.  These policies are available on the MIDAS Learning LMS and website.  Additional guidelines, forms and templates can be requested through our internal procedures, SOPs, and accompanying workflows and documentation. Associated policies and standard operating procedures are listed in our Policies and Procedures manual.


MIDAS Learning is committed to providing quality training and development programmes to adults within all sections of the community, with the objective of enriching  and developing their lives through progression.  It is the policy of MIDAS Learning to identify the needs of the learners and/or organisations  in the design and development of training and development programmes which unlock potential and satisfy these needs. MIDAS  Group aims to provide a lifelong learning experience based on predetermined national and international standards which lead to awards from QQI and other qualifying bodies. It aims to empower individuals and organisations to unlock their full potential through the delivery and implementation of training and development programmes.

To achieve this mission, MIDAS  Group is committed to:

  • The provision of resources to support its staff to develop, design, plan and deliver programmes to meet the vocational development needs of the learners. New programmes will be reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis by internal structures involving management, experts, and governance. Programmes will be developed to ensure that there are pre-defined and published regulations relating to learner admission, progression, recognition, and certification of awards. Access and admission policies and criteria will be established and implemented in line with national policy and procedures.
  • The provision and maintenance of learning facilities and resources to ensure successful participation by learners. Resources will be developed to ensure that learners will be competent in a specific discipline. This competency will be measured in achievement of stated minimum intended learning outcomes which are based on the knowledge, skills and competence framework of the National Framework of Qualifications
  • The provision of resources to comply with all health and safety requirements along with the provision of appropriate training for staff to comply with health and safety requirements.
  • An evaluation of the programmes on an annual basis by the Programme Team to ensure that programmes are being maintained and delivered in accordance with their approval by QQI. Review and Evaluation to ensure that Continuous Improvement is a central element of the process, where we engage in 360 evaluation methodology.

The policy should be read in conjunction with the other elements of the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF).  It is a working document and is subject to regular review from experience in implementing its procedures and in the light of feedback received from staff, learners, outside interests and new educational developments as well as industry developments and advancement.


MIDAS Learning is an equal opportunities employer. The staff, recruitment and selection policy will provide equal access to employment for all and to ensure that the best person in terms of knowledge, skills, experience, and aptitude, which will be planned for each role  that arises.  MIDAS Learning’s recruitment procedures will adhere to all legislation and will adopt best practice in order to attract, select, appoint and facilitate the development of all staff, tutors and contractors in a fair, equal and merit-based process.

The recruitment process will incorporate the development of an appropriate job description and job specification for each post. This process will form the basis of an employment contract and reflect the skills, qualities, experience, and attributes required for the post.  As roles, duties and responsibilities change over time, where a job description and specification are already in existence: they will be checked and updated to ensure they clearly reflect the current requirements of the job.

MIDAS Learning is committed to the support and promotion of internal people  development and training.  Appropriate and ongoing  training will be provided in accordance with training needs and subject to availability of finance. The overall emphasis on training is to facilitate the personal development of staff, to guide and motivate them in order for them to ensure that they are always up to date with any changes in their subject area and with new and upcoming technologies and methodologies to support the Training and Development Sector.


The aim of this policy is to outline MIDAS Learning’s approach to and expectations for teaching and learning and how it strives to achieve excellence  in learning and training practices.

This policy  is designed to achieve, on behalf of all learners and staff, the highest standard of educational fulfilment through high quality training, teaching (encompassing a wide range of practices and methods) and tutoring which encourage active learning.

Central to the success of this policy is ensuring that  the roles and responsibilities of staff and learners are clear. We also will draw from  best practices in teaching and learning in the further education and training processes nationally and internationally and oversee the effective delivery, implementation and monitoring of all learning experiences.

MIDAS Learning aims to provide an intellectually challenging learning experience within a supportive educational environment that is responsive to the needs of our Learners.

The general principles underlying this policy will focus on

  • Monitoring of the quality of the learning experience to incorporate different learning styles and environments to create and maintain a learner focused model.
  • Incorporating a critical reflection practice by stakeholders, trainers, staff and learners to fashion new knowledge and beliefs about content relevancy and best practice in industry training and advancement.
  • Taking evolving approaches to tutoring , learning and research related services
  • Establishing a learning environment, which is relevant, flexible and innovative while providing guidance and support for the learner and stakeholders.


MIDAS Learning is committed to ensuring the quality and integrity of all assessments, so that arrangements are valid, reliable, and secure.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure fairness and consistency in the implementation of assessment procedures and adherence to QQI guidelines.  MIDAS Learning  recognises the diversity of potential learners so reasonable accommodation provisions are available to support learners.

Assessment and Evaluation form a part of the overall learning experience within MIDAS Learning.  Therefore, it is important to provide learners with appropriate feedback on their progress in a manner that supports our mission statement and ethos. It is also important that the evaluation and feedback is drawn from the learners in relationship to their experience of MIDAS Learning and the Training conducted as well as other stakeholders involved in a particular programme.

Through the implementation of its Assessment Policy, MIDAS Learning will

  • Adhere to an assessment approach which is overseen by the Quality Committee and the Academic Committee and which ensures the security, validity, and integrity of the process.
  • Guarantee that marking of assessments adheres to national standards and guidelines.
  • Ensure that appropriate assessment materials and facilities are in place for all courses being run.
  • Maintain the security of all assessment materials.
  • Ensure that reasonable accommodation is made to cater for the diverse needs of learners, where appropriate.
  • Implement a rigorous system of internal verification and authentication through the completion of an Internal Verification and Results Approval process.
  • Provide impartiality in determining results, using external authenticators (EA). We will also ascertain as part of the External Authenticators role all recommendations to ensure continuous improvement and best practice.
  • Ensure that the EA is qualified to authenticate awards, based on their knowledge/field of learning expertise.
  • Seek the approval of all results through a Results Approval Panel which will be responsible for quality assurance checks and sign off on assessment results.
  • Maintain a fair appeal process which is communicated to all learners through their Learner Handbook on initiation of the course. This will also be supported through formal communication at the “Assessment phase” though a letter of appeals process.


MIDAS Learning is committed to providing all learners with a range of supports and resources which will suit a variety of learning styles and enable the learner to achieve their training and learning goals.

Supports will be put into place:

  • At planning and delivery stage of the course itself, when MIDAS Learning understand the criteria needed to deliver the course, whether accredited or not
  • Prior to the delivery of a specific contract and on completion of TNA
  • At review stage during and after delivery of a course when we review and get feedback from learners, tutors, or stakeholders.
  • At our continuous development process when we engage in self-evaluation or draw from the evaluative process
Examples of supports in place include the following:

  • Learners receive a clear explanation of the different types of resources and learning that they will experience, and the level of commitment required of them to complete the programme/ course.
  • Learners are provided with a Learner handbook at the commencement of their training which provides information on supports available.
  • Learners have access to all course materials and resources through the course LMS and other forums as requested prior to course commencement.
  • IT Supports are available for learners not familiar with LMS.
  • Email support and support through LMS is provided by course tutors.
  • Learning styles of learners are considered when allocating the blend of resources and training methods to be used in each programme.
  • Course manager, experts and/or trainers are responsible for ensuring that all training and learning resources used in a programme are up to date and reflect correct practice. To achieve this, resources are reviewed on an ongoing basis.(Planning Phase and Review / Close Phase)
  • Course material is examined by subject matter experts during the programme review process carried out on an annual basis. This ensures the integrity of contents and the quality of the resources, guaranteeing that they are fit for purpose.
  • Class notes are designed using MIDAS Learning bespoke templates. These templates are in the same format across all courses and consequently learners find it easier to assimilate new content.
  • Lessons include a combination of practical elements and workshops, as well as exposition to ensure integration of different learning styles.
  • Resources are provided on general educational areas such as referencing, study skills etc.
  • MIDAS Learning provides access to reasonable accommodations to learners and inform them of the ranges of services available.
  • A cohesive approach is maintained to ensure learning supports are as coherent and integrated as possible
  • A Training Needs Analysis is completed with all learners prior and as part of the recruitment phase of learners, ascertaining prior learning, support needed and additional resourcing. Reference is made to engaging an internal coach to ensure that all eventualities are covered with regard to additional supports and needs of learners
  • Learners are surveyed for impression of learning resources through completion of course evaluation forms which are completed mid / end of the
  • There are mechanisms for learners to make representations to MIDAS Learning through the Course Manager regarding the implementation of Individual Learning Plans and tutorials.
  • Assessments are cross moderated to ensure consistency of standards.


The aim of the Information and Data Management policy is to outline Midas Learning’s approach to and expectations for information and data flow through the system and work processes within MIDAS Learning.  MIDAS Learning is committed to maintaining the highest standards for their learners and all stakeholders in accordance with legislative guidelines.

This policy is intended to ensure that data and Information provided is complete and correct to enable informed decision making and that security of data is of the utmost importance.

It outlines the data management framework that covers the roles, responsibilities and accountability for data collection, storage, security, maintenance, dissemination and data quality and it indicates the type of information needed to be used as key performance indicators for monitoring and planning purposes.

Areas informed by our data and information management policy includes:

  • Learner information including learner records, results, progression, statistical information.
  • Programme information including retention rates, pass rates, awards conferred, evaluation of programmes, monitoring reports.
  • Management information such as monitoring of the quality of GDPR Compliance, records maintenance, security and retention, planning, quality, finance, HR, Tenders.
The outcome for this robust system includes the following objectives:

  • To ensure that we have adequate resources available to our learners.
  • To ensure that information systems are sufficient to enable evidence-based decision making.
  • To enhance understanding of information systems processes and outcomes across MIDAS Learning.
  • To provide information that will enable MIDAS Learning to make decisions about how to improve or develop information systems.
  • To ensure that learner’s information is held in accordance with GDPR rules.


MIDAS Learning is committed to maintaining the highest standards of communications relating to its activities, consultancy, training, coaching, research and related services.

We endeavour to ensure that all information and public information is approved prior to publication, and is clear, accurate, and up to date.

MIDAS Learning communicates and publishes information about its activities, primarily through its website (,,, through email and on the MIS system, brochures, flyers, posters, correspondence with businesses and career events.

MIDAS Learning also uses Social Media to extend communication channels (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram) in order to reach different learner markets, although these channels concentrate on basic information on courses, scheduling and upcoming events.  MIDAS Learning has also established links with a number of training organisations in Ireland and collaborate with these organisations in areas such as best practice, benchmarking and innovation.

We also use our LMS to provide one-way and two-way communications to currently enrolled learners.  A variety of online tools such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom are also used to communicate in different ways with learners.


MIDAS Learning is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality assurance by establishing quality relationships with their learners and other parties involved in education and training and seeks to build a continuous quality culture within MIDAS Learning for all stakeholders.

The objective of this policy is to establish that MIDAS Learning is committed in maintaining a 2-way system of communication with its stakeholders and other interested parties within the education and training community.

  • Other parties involved in Education and Training must commit by contractual agreement to comply with the QA policies and procedures of MIDAS Learning.
  • MIDAS Learning will continuously aim to establish new relationships with other parties involved in Education and Training.
  • MIDAS Learning will continue to work in partnership with other educational institutions to establish progression pathways for MIDAS Learning learners.
  • MIDAS Learning will continue to work in cooperation with local employers to supply quality assured graduates to fill available positions.
  • Other awards, accreditations, collaboration arrangements and partnerships offered, both in Ireland and abroad are organised with reputable bodies and are subject to appropriate internal and external quality assurance procedures.
  • Quality assurance procedures include provisions for due diligence on the reputation, legal status, standing and financial sustainability for any such parties or second providers involved in the provision of related services.
  • MIDAS Learning will ensure that Memorandum of Agreements provided to other parties involved in education and training are fair, factual and valid.
  • MIDAS Learning will ensure that all stakeholders have adequate information about the operations and functions of which MIDAS Learning is involved made available to them in an honest and transparent manner through information on our LMS, Website, Member Organisation Contracts, Learner Handbooks etc
  • MIDAS Learning commit to our quality assurance procedures which include explicit criteria and procedures for the recruitment and engagement of external, independent, national and international experts.
  • Quality assurance procedures in our governance section include the criteria to be met when recruiting educational and quality standards panel members, external authenticators, national and international subject matter experts.
  • All data with member orgs will be documented in an open and honest and transparent manner and made available to the Quality Committee and for review.
  • MIDAS Learning will be the legal entity that learners can hold responsible for any deficiencies in the provision of education and training.


It is the policy of MIDAS Learning to endeavour to improve programmes offered to learners by conducting regular evaluation of programmes.  Programme evaluation and review is seen as an integral part of maintaining and improving the quality of courses offered to the learners.

The overall aim of the evaluation process is:

  • To improve the quality of the programmes offered to learners.
  • To compile evidence to produce an evaluation report, which will assist MIDAS Learning to maintain and improve the quality of its programmes.
  • To use the analysis / outcome to identify strengths and weaknesses of programmes and take appropriate action.

MIDAS Learning is committed to maintaining a quality assurance system which accurately reflects the current position of MIDAS Learning.  Self-evaluation, monitoring and review is the centrepiece of MIDAS Learning’s operations and its ongoing search for continuous improvement.

It is our policy to engage in continuous evaluation of our programmes and services through constructive questioning leading to positive recommendations and ongoing planning for improvements.  Based on the outcomes of these regular evaluations we are committed to implementing improvements in all areas.

  • Quality Assurance policies and procedures will be subject to review.
  • We strive to ensure that our self-evaluation has learners’ achievements and experiences as the principal focus and has regard to strategic planning procedures.
  • Our self-evaluation, monitoring and review will involve all staff in assessing outcomes and key performance indicators, with areas for improvement being identified and acted upon by the Manager and Quality Committee.
General principles underlying this policy focus on:

  • Commitment to the review and self-evaluation of quality
  • Critical reflection by both teaching staff, learners and all stakeholders in the honest review of programmes of education and training research and related services provided by the provider and the procedures which underpin these.
  • Continuous monitoring of existing effective practice in relation to the overall quality of the learning experience, effective practices are identified and maintained and areas that need improvement are both open and honestly addressed.
  • MIDAS Learning’s approach to the management of quality and standards is one of continuous improvement through a process of self-evaluation and action planning and on-going Management Review and Governance Panel Meetings


Self-evaluation focuses on the quality of, or impact on, the learner’s experience, achievements, contributions and on findings from the many stakeholders engaging in the quality system at centre level.

Programme evaluation refers to monitoring of the objectives of a programme of delivery offered by MIDAS Learning to explore, reflect and report on the effectiveness of the programme and services delivered by MIDAS Learning and identify areas for improvement.

Internal Self-Monitoring

MIDAS Learning’s internal self-monitoring uses a system of quality measures, monitors key performance indictors and progress against set objectives.  Information will be gathered on the achievement of objectives on an ongoing basis.  MIDAS Learning will act on findings to produce a quality improvement plan which sets out a schedule of actions to be implemented following the internal evaluation.


Why not contact Midas Learning for a confidential, free 15-minute coaching session to get you onto your own individual road to success. Our courses can be completed as major awards or module by module — just ask our career consultant to put together a “roadmap” of options for you.