Finance 6N4165


This financial management (6N4165) QQI Level 6 course is aimed at learners, who want to gain the skill of understanding management accounts and analysis of businesses.

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This financial management (6N4165) QQI Level 6 course is aimed at learners, who want to gain the skill of understanding management accounts and analysis of businesses. It covers the principles and practice of financial planning, reporting and analysis within an organisation and helps the learner gain a deeper understanding of the importance of accounts and financial management for an organisation, large or small. Participants who successfully complete this course will have the relevant skills and competencies that are needed to be efficient in their financial management role.

  • Investigate the external environment and regulatory framework with regard to financial reporting within which organisations operate and the types of financial statements organisations are required to produce
  • Analyse financial statements in the context of nonfinancial to include a rationale for conclusions drawn
  • Evaluate a range of financial statements using ratio analysis drawing appropriate conclusions
  • Evaluate the role and value of budgeting to include the different types of budgets appropriate for use within different contexts
  • Interpret budgeting data and cash flow projections to establish a rationale for planning and decision making purposes
  • Utilise marginal and absorption costing statements to include an analysis of their application in making key management decisions, and a schedule of the differences between both methods
  • Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of cost classification to include the differences between the different cost behaviours as they react to changes in activity levels
  • Price products and services to include an analysis of margin and mark up and the importance of the time value of money
  • Apply Cost Volume Profit analysis to include the calculation, illustration and interpretation of the breakeven point, margin of safety, and contribution per unit for an organisation
  • Assess different methods of investment appraisal to include a determination of whether or not investments should proceed
  • Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)s
  • Assess the difference between cash flow and profit and the relevance of cash flow to capital investment appraisal
  • Schedule the uses and sources of short term, medium term and long term funding with reference to financial credit facilities, Return on Investment (ROI), and legal requirements.

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