The QQI Level 6 Human Resources 6N3750 is a minor award that aims to provide learners with the knowledge and understanding of the role and function of a Human Resource Manager in several different business environments and industry sectors. On conclusion, the learner will understand the role of HR Manager, as well as different disciplines including recruitment & selection, retention, performance appraisal, and effective human management. They will have a good indication of the best HR workplace practices, so that they can work effectively and independently in a functioning Human Resources role. Topics covered include how to:
- Assess the evolution, nature, scope and policy goals of human resource management
- Evaluate the relevance of strategic human resource management to organisational performance and business strategy
- Explore the benefits and process of human resource planning, to include appropriate strategies for dealing with labour shortages and surpluses
- Assess the goals, benefits, process and methods of organisational motivation, training and development 2 to include the needs for and benefits of a training plan
- Evaluate the core objectives, benefits, challenges and methods of performance management, to include evaluation of what constitutes good performance management and reward systems
- Explore the role, benefits and methodologies of effective grievance and discipline handling within an organisation
- Evaluate the theoretical basis for Industrial Relations and its application in the business environment
- Generate appropriate recruitment and selection documentation to include job specification, person specification and interview marking sheets
- Devise an interview strategy for a stated vacancy, to include an appropriate interview environment, panel and structure, and use of appropriate interview techniques and questions, taking cognisance of relevant employment legislation
- Formulate appropriate performance management methodologies for an organisation
- Formulate appropriate performance management methodologies for given organisational roles
- Generate appropriate grievance and discipline strategies for a given set of circumstances
- Apply theoretical principles and practical skills to solving human resource management issues in the work environment Support the effective operation of a human resource department in the business environment.
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