Supervisory Management 6N4329


The Supervisory Management course is a QQI Minor Level 6 minor award programme which aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the role and function of a supervisory manager in a number of different business environments and industry sectors, ensuring that they can work effectively and independently in a supervisory capacity.

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The Supervisory Management course is a QQI Minor Level 6 minor award programme which aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the role and function of a supervisory manager in a number of different business environments and industry sectors, ensuring that they can work effectively and independently in a supervisory capacity.  The learner will be able to:

  • Summarise the duties and responsibilities of a supervisory manager, to include reference to relevant policies and services in the chosen vocational or work environment
  • Evaluate up-to-date industry standards, guidelines and recommended practices that affect the work environment, to include the purpose and methods of supervision, the staff code of conduct, advantages and disadvantages of in-house and contract staff, and of membership of professional or trade associations, trade unions and/or a works committee
  • Describe the precautions necessary to safeguard information and/or records
  • Describe key steps required to recruit staff, to include pre-planning, methods to source and screen staff, use of an application form to shortlist candidates, and the benefits of a chosen approach
  • Analyse the risks for which adequate insurance cover is recommended
  • Draft a range of procedures for work-related activities, to include lines of communication with clients, colleagues and other relevant parties, procedures for maintaining effective standards of service, criteria for staff recruitment, criteria for supervisory procedures
  • Devise a system for maintaining work-related records, to include operational records, a work roster for operational staff, and a maintenance schedule for equipment and vehicles
  • Prepare a departmental budget, to include details of planned spending under a number of headings and of contingency spending
  • Train staff, drawing on up-to-date industry standards in training using appropriate aids and supporting material, and assessing the suitability of individuals during the training session
  • Carry out staff evaluations to include achievement of objectives, feedback on performance, identification of opportunities for personal development.

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